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Camp Forms   arrow

Camp Forms

We view our relationship with our ENOR parents as a partnership!  Below are resources to help you prepare to send your child to ENOR camp, as well as information about the registration process.

The care of your child while at ENOR is our #1 priority!  We adhere to a strict schedule that requires we have your forms in ample time to provide specialized care for all children that participate in our program.  We appreciate parents support and cooperation in this matter! 

Click on the icon for detailed ENOR Camp information

  • Camp contact information 
  • Drop-off/pick-up schedule
  • What to pack
  • Day care guidelines
  • Daily itineraries

Registration & Forms Process:

Registration opens January 1st every year.  Click here to register!

Immunization Record – required for participation

A current immunization record is required with completed and paid registration.  If you child has attended ENOR previously, we may have his/her record on file.  Contact the ENOR team to confirm.  If you child has obtained a booster since they last attended ENOR, an updated record is required.

For exempt campers, a signed Medical or Non-Medical exempt form is required with registration.

Medication Forms

If your child has a medical condition that requires taking medication during the camp day (inhaler, Epi-pen, etc.), the appropriate Care Plan/Medication Form will need to be completed and signed by a practitioner with prescriptive authority.

Care plans are due ASAP or no later than May 1.

Log onto your ENOR/CivicRec account to upload completed forms.  Parents are advised to keep a copy for their records.

Signing up after May 1? – Forms are due ASAP or no later than 2 weeks prior to camp start date

Failure to meet the deadlines outlined above puts your child’s registration at risk of being forfeited.

Youth Leadership Forms

Please contact the Camp Coordinator:

  • If you are experiencing difficulty uploading documents
  • If you are having trouble acquiring signed forms
  • For any other questions

Sharon Moore, Camp Coordinator or (303) 271-6637

Keeping ahead of COVID-19

This rapidly evolving coronavirus (COVID-19) has imposed an unsettling, fluid situation upon our community and its businesses. While the team here still aims to maintain a “business as usual” approach, we are making a number of significant changes to our operations to account for a situation that is far from normal.