Become a Native Plant Master Trainer!
Teaching a Native Plant Master (NPM) course or special class can be a very rewarding way of sharing your valuable knowledge about native plants and human connections to Colorado’s ecosystems.
Jefferson county and the Native Plant Master program are accepting applications for Trainers!
Steps to become a NPM Trainer-in-Training (Apprentice)
- Complete NPM Certificate program
- Apply to be a mentee
- Attend annual training
- Observe and Co-teach at least one 3-day course (required to be awarded instructor status.)
- All applicants will be required to pass the Colorado State University Extension background check process before being allowed to team teach with an existing instructor.
Steps to become a Native Plant Master Trainer
- Apply to the trainer program (must have been awarded an NPM certificate from CSU and complete mentorship program. )
- Co-teach an NPM class under a current NPM trainer
- Be recommended by the NPM trainer mentor + Natural Resources staff as ready to become a NPM program trainer
- Attend annual training for instructors
Maintaining Native Plant Master Trainer Status
- Teach at least one, 1-day course per year.
- Mentor an NPM Trainer-in-Training,
- Attend annual training for instructors.
- Instructors may register for NPM courses or classes in any county at no cost or at a reduced cost, space available basis.
What are the requirements to volunteer with CSU? Trainers are selected based on their demonstrated ability to learn and then teach Native Plant Master content in an engaging and interactive manner. Trainers must pass a background check and submit references to become a registered volunteer with Colorado State University.
How do I apply?
Email or if you are interested in becoming a trainer with the Jefferson County Native Plant Master program. Trainers may be a trainer for more than one county or may teach a class outside of their home county as is needed for creating a productive teaching environment.