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Colorado State University Extension offices like the one in Jefferson County bring the research and resources of the university within easy reach to our community.

Low-Flammability Demonstration Garden   arrow

Together with Jefferson County Open Space, we have recently created a Low-Flammability Demonstration Garden to demonstrate fire-adapted landscaping within the context of defensible space requirements. This garden showcases a variety of plants that can help mitigate fire risk and bring beauty into your landscapes. Explore our garden (located at Lookout Mountain Nature Center and Preserve) to see real-world examples, and check out our factsheet below to learn more.

Keeping ahead of COVID-19

This rapidly evolving coronavirus (COVID-19) has imposed an unsettling, fluid situation upon our community and its businesses. While the team here still aims to maintain a “business as usual” approach, we are making a number of significant changes to our operations to account for a situation that is far from normal.