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Colorado State University Extension offices like the one in Jefferson County bring the research and resources of the university within easy reach to our community.

Health & Wellbeing   arrow

Family & Consumer Sciences

Financial issues for consumers are our specialty in Jefferson County.  We conduct classes and provide research-based information on topics such as budgeting, living on fixed income, planning, spending, saving and investing skills. See some of our classes below. For more information, contact Mary Snow, Family & Consumer Sciences Agent at

We can also put you in touch with the experts in food safety, food preservation, aging, parenting, health and nutrition. Contact our offices so we can help you reach the experts – 303.271.6620.

Cottage Food Safety Statewide Online Training

  • Learn food safety guidelines and the specifics of operating a home-based
    cottage food business.
  • Better understand the Colorado Cottage Food Act guidelines and best
  • Upon completion of the webinar and passing the accompanying exam,
    receive a 3-year food safety certificate.

Cottage Foods Training Schedule 2025

  • Friday, March 21st | 9am-12:30pm
  • Friday, April 25th | 9am-12:30pm
  • Friday, June 6th | 9am-12:30pm

All trainings are $50 and can be registered for at the CSU Extension Cottage Foods Eventbrite page

Colorado Cottage Foods Producers Training flyer

Family Matters Newsletter

A monthly newsletter for improving health together.

January –

February –

March –

Looking for a Family Matters Newsletter from previous years? Find archived newsletters here – Family Matters Newsletter – Extension

Personal Finance Video Resources

Tax Season Resources:

Get Ahead Colorado / Hacia Adelante Colorado

Get Ahead Colorado provides information about tax filing to connect more Coloradans to essential tax credits, such as the Earned Income Tax Credit and the Child Tax Credit. These tax credits play a pivotal role in improving economic mobility, health, and educational outcomes for Coloradans and their families.

Hacia Adelante Colorado proporciona información sobre las declaraciones de impuestos para conectar a más personas en Colorado con créditos tributarios esenciales, como el Crédito tributario por ingreso del trabajo y el Crédito tributario por hijos. Estos créditos tributarios desempeñan un papel vital para impulsar el avance económico, la salud y los resultados educativos de las personas y familias en Colorado.

Child Tax Credit:

Other Resources

Food Banks

Food assistance when you can’t afford it. Note that various food banks have requirements. Check out these links for more information.

Live Smart Colorado – New Family & Consumer Science Blog.  We provide education in:

  • Food preparation, food safety and nutrition
  • Financial Management
  • Healthy Lifestyles
  • Home and work environment and safety
  • Relationship and parenting skills
  • and much more with new information posted each week.

Keeping ahead of COVID-19

This rapidly evolving coronavirus (COVID-19) has imposed an unsettling, fluid situation upon our community and its businesses. While the team here still aims to maintain a “business as usual” approach, we are making a number of significant changes to our operations to account for a situation that is far from normal.